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About studentspec

studentspec was created by four teenagers with wishes to educate and inform their peers. While focusing on social justice as a whole, studentspec also branches out into the arts and STEM, celebrating the scientific accomplishments of those whose voices must be heard, and reminding our audience of the importance of diversity and inclusion in movies and TV.


Mission & Vision

We hope to build a team of creative, intelligent, passionate students who share the philosophy which created StudentSpec. In the future, we hope to fundraise, donate, and speak up. 

"studentspec is a student-led organization dedicated to amplifying the voices of our peers. We are a safe space for identity expression and will not tolerate discrimination against any groups; homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, racism, and any actions which treat one unfairly on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, gender, or sex. These are not opinions.


Overall, we want the world to progress. We want to ensure a good livelihood for all. Although there we cannot change the world at our age and in our positions, but educating kids like us and letting our peers know that their views are important may make all the difference."


--The founders of studentspec



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